Should I Get a HydraFacial Before a Chemical Peel?

When it comes to achieving maximum benefits for your skin, it's often recommended to have a chemical peel first and then a HydraFacial treatment 3 to 7 days later. This is because chemical peels can dry out the skin, while HydraFacial treatments can help to rehydrate and remove dead skin cells. Extractions can be done at the same time, but it's important to note that all skin types react differently. After a chemical peel, it's important to stay out of the sun for at least 24 hours and use sunscreen.

We always suggest having a Microderm or HydroFacial before peeling, as this exfoliates and moisturizes the skin. When you apply the peel afterwards, it will penetrate deeper and respond better. It's best to check in with your dermatologist in person, as each person's skin type and age may require a different treatment plan. Unlike chemical peels, HydraFacial is a non-invasive skin rejuvenation treatment that does not cause any damage to the skin.

It also provides moisturizing benefits that cannot be obtained with chemical peels. Before scheduling your HydraFacial, it's important to refrain from receiving any laser treatments two weeks prior. You should also avoid scheduling chemical peels or medium or deep dermal fillers during this time. Additionally, six months before your scheduled HydraFacial, stop using any product that contains isotretinoin, such as Accutane. HydraFacial is often referred to as “hydradermabrasion” because it involves an exfoliation similar to microdermabrasion combined with moisturizing serums.

This gentle preparation helps to ensure that you don't overwhelm your skin. After your HydraFacial treatment, it's especially important to protect your skin from sun damage for the first three to five days. Chemical peels can cause redness and crusts on the skin; these symptoms usually disappear two to three weeks after the initial chemical peel treatment. According to Ellen Marmur, associate clinical professor in both the Department of Dermatology and the Department of Genetic and Genomics Research at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York City, HydraFacial is beneficial for teens with acne; adults with pimples, wrinkles and hyperpigmentation; and for older patients with sun damage and even scaly precancerous spots.

The brightening and moisturizing effects of HydraFacial usually last 5 to 7 days and, depending on skin type, often longer. If you have thickened and damaged skin due to sun exposure, with a lot of congestion and build-up, then HydraFacial is an excellent choice for preparation before a chemical peel. It's a globally recognized skin treatment that cleanses, exfoliates and moisturizes without any downtime or side effects.

Jean Mckibbon
Jean Mckibbon

Evil internet buff. Incurable zombie enthusiast. Infuriatingly humble food maven. Incurable pop culture lover. Total beer buff.