When is the Best Time to Get a HydraFacial?

But for the best results, Dr. Marmur recommends receiving a HydraFacial treatment every four to six weeks. This professional procedure can help treat a variety of skin conditions, such as acne, dryness, and wrinkles. Known for its three-step process, HydraFacial works to deeply cleanse, exfoliate and moisturize the skin.

It helps loosen and unclog pores, and combines an exfoliation process that involves removing the top layer of dead skin cells, the stratum corneum, with the hydration and cleansing of water. The new twist is how dermabrasion is done. Dermabrasion simply means exfoliation of the skin or abrasion of the dermis. This process removes older, inactive “dead” cells from the skin's surface, often giving the skin a smoother feel and a fresher, less “dull” appearance.

It often allows for smoother application of cosmetics and better penetration of skin care products. HydraFacial is said to have no complications, but you may feel slight pressure from the wand during the procedure. Unlike other chemical peels that are often irritating or painful and leave skin red for hours or days, HydraFacials uses a non-irritating blend of salicylic and glycolic acids to achieve a gentle yet effective peel. HydraFacial is a good treatment, but it's ONLY an exfoliating treatment with or without a very gentle exfoliation, with a few hundred dollars to pay for the brand.

HydraFacials has become one of the most popular facial trends in the modern world, and it's no wonder why. In theory, a HydraFacial is designed to help treat excess sebum (fat) and dead skin cells that can cause breakouts. It has become the facial spa care routine of choice because it is non-invasive but effective and can be used for almost any skin condition and on any skin type. These steps are delivered with a patented HydraFacial device (which looks like a large rolling cart with hoses and a rod with removable heads).

When considering when to get a HydraFacial, it's important to consider any other non-invasive treatments you may be receiving such as Botox or microblading. It's also important to note that while HydraFacials provide consistent results regardless of skin type or beautician, they should still be done every four to six weeks for best results. Ariel Ostad states that “HydraFacial is the only hydra-dermabrasion procedure that uses patented technology to cleanse, extract and moisturize” - making it an ideal choice for those looking for deep cleansing without irritation or downtime.

Jean Mckibbon
Jean Mckibbon

Evil internet buff. Incurable zombie enthusiast. Infuriatingly humble food maven. Incurable pop culture lover. Total beer buff.